Breast Cancer Recovery Services
Feel more comfortable and confident

A tight band of tissue underneath the skin extending from breast down into the arm can be painful and restrictive
Recovery Solution: Special massage in the right place will reduce cording pain and tightness
Book your appointment and learn the stretches to avoid and the best location for treatment.
Not able to get to my office?
Telehealth offers easy access to Denise's experienced opinion and training. Book an appointment and you will learn how to treat your own cording in the comfort of your own home.

Problematic scar tissue can develop at the skin and may hide in deeper
layers of the chest.

Recovery Solutions:
Hands- on scar treatments
Training in safe and effective self- massage for use at home
Rib cage corrections (when they stick out)
"Best" breathing training
Low level laser to help soften scar tissue
Breast reconstruction scar and pain treatments.
Core stability retraining
See how the treatment works for you at the first appointment and then plan your recovery program.
Telehealth appointment can be beneficial, as you can learn to treat yourself, with the right training.


Deep scar tissue can develop after this surgery, causing restrictions in arm movement and strength,
and shoulder pain.
Swelling at the breast or arm that persists,
could be lymphoedema.
Recovery Solutions
Early assessment and treatment if the arm or breast feels heavy.
Reliable measurement of arm swelling
Measure and fit compression garment for flights as a prevention strategy.
Reduction of scar tissue blocking fluid flow
Reduction muscle tightness and inflammation
One woman's experience going back to construction work following early lymphoedema
Radiotherapy affects the local skin and muscles for years after.

The skin can become thicker, thinnner and sometimes a different color to your skin.
Recovery Solutions
Hands- on massage treatments for pain and chest tightness
Safe and effective self- massage for use at home
Low level laser to help soften scar tissue
Treatments to improve skin stretch
Wear a good fitting soft bra
See how the treatment works for you at the first appointment and then plan your recovery program.
Telehealth appointment allows face to face learning. Learn safe and effective massage and stretch methods to use at home.

Recovery Solutions:
Hands- on deep scar treatments
Breast tissue softening treatments
Training in safe and effective self- massage for use at home
Low level laser to soften scar tissue
Treatments for shoulder/neck problems
See how the treatment works for you at the first appointment and then plan your recovery program.
Telehealth appointment allows face to face learning. Learn safe and effective massage and stretch methods to use at home.




New for 2019
1. Breast Cancer Recovery and Wellness Summit (3rd)- Online
Hear what health professionals are recommending for: pain, fatigue, sexual challenges, and feeling lost and down.
Free access to short video snips of each presenter will be available for 12 months.
Free access to the full presentation is available from sponsor websites. I AM ONE! As my website guest you can access the entire program here.
Project sponsorship can be made here.
Not sure about whether you have cording.
This is a method of checking through the steps to see if cording is present.
Take action now
Pay and download the ebook

I saw the benefits of walking with poles immediately!
It can be adapted to help recovery and fitness after
breast cancer
It's a great exercise option if you love:
walking, being outdoors and catching up with a friend.
Pole selection and training is offered by Denise- in Brisbane or arrange face to face online training from wherever you are in the world.