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Claire Davies

Claire davies

ASTYM therapy improves range of motion after mastectomy

What you will see in this presentation:


  1. An introduction to ASTYM therapy

  2. The use of ASTYM for breast cancer scars

  3. Current research using ASTYM therapy with mastectomy 


Trish Duke

Trish duke

Emotional challenges that most breast cancer patients face

What you will see in this presentation:


1. What emotions are common, from diagnosis and throughout the treatments

2. How your emotions affect your breast cancer journey

3. Self help tips to manage the emotional roller-coaster


Shira Litwack


Oxidative stress: Helping our patients/ clients get started with positive changes. PART A

What you will see in this presentation:


  1. See how oxidative stress knowledge can help us guide health choices for our patients.

  2. Understand link between this stress and inflammation.

  3. Tips for changing estrogen levels in the body.


Rii MItchelll


Stillness meditation for people after breast cancer:

calm the mind and body.

What you will see in this presentation:


  1. Understand what Stillness meditation is.

  2. How meditation can help people after cancer

  3. Online, individual  or group support


Eeris Kallil

Eeris Kallil

Guidelines for breast cancer massage

Learning objectives for this presentation:


  1.  Find out what EVERY massage therapist NEEDS to know about massage for clients living with breast cancer

  2.  Learn safety rules and contraindications

  3. Understand chemotherapy side effects and how it relates to massage therapy

Andrea Melendi


Physical therapy for people after breast cancer in Argentina.

What you will see in this presentation:

  1. History of breast cancer in Argentina​

  2. Customized bra selection (Argentinian company)  can help with lymphoedema care.

  3. Scar and arm movement changes after physical  therapy.


Stella Glowinski

Stella Maris Glowinski

Very early personalized lymphatic system support 

What you will see in this presentation:


  1. Surgical procedures of breast reconstruction and lymphatics.

  2. Demonstrations of Lymphotaping supporting early lymphatic changes in the chest, breast, trunk and arm.

  3. Stella's work in a specialist Milan, Italy, breast cancer team.


This presentation is in Italian - with an English written transcript.

WARNING: Graphic surgical procedures of breast.



Jamie Elswick

Jamie Elswick

Oncology Massage: understanding the complexities and respecting the individual's experience.

Learning objectives for this presentation:

  1. Hear examples of how  the linear surface scar may not reflect the severity of deeper scar tissue and soft tissue changes.

  2. Physical treatment methods for cording suggests the cording structures are open to a variety of approaches.

  3. Hear how high resolution ultrasound may offer objective measurement of radiation fibrosis and scar tissue changes.

  4. Listen to how oncology massage developed in Alaska.

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