Training options
Walking with Poles
Poles will add more to your posture and upper body strength during walking
Do you love walking, but feel your shoulders, arms, and trunk are not getting a workout?
Then walking with poles may just be the exercise for you.
Adding poles to your walking can increase your upper body workout and energy expenditure.
I have applied my breast cancer rehab skills to develop targeted training and pole selection that will suit the physical challenges faced by people after breast cancer.
Training ensures that you learn to use:
easiest hand grip
best arm swing
push thru to strengthen shoulders and upper back
best shoulder position
pole type to suit your balance
Your training will take about 3 sessions.
Then practice practice practice to improve your technique.
If you are in Brisbane- see location and times below.
Outside of Brisbane- let's get together by video method

Nordic walking with music, moves and in a group at
Can we post an Australian performance?
Eildon Hill Windsor: 7 am, 7.30 ( Tuesday, Wed, Thurs)
Email Denise to book in your small group training.
Cost: $20 per training session (30 mins + 30 min extra time with poles for personal practice)
$15 (with your own poles)
Personalized one- on- one training
Online face to face training: email me to discuss your pole needs before you make a purchase. Connect by email or SMS to book in a complimentary 15 min session or book your full evaluation.
* telehealth services are currently not rebated for most therapies
Local to Brisbane: book in 45 min session at an agreed location in Brisbane.
Cost per session: $85 and $15 for one extra person
(loan poles incl).
Three to four sessions will provide you with basic safety and technique skills.
Your sessions can help you decide on which poles you should purchase
​Small group training
1. Introduction to pole walking for breast cancer survivor group
at your workplace or community hub.
2. Three training sessions with your own small group including pole loan POA
Be bold and go virtual with your own small group training in your town. Find your training group, make a booking + payment and then we can do this with mobile phone/ ipad and internet connection. We will use more online training sessions and use video analysis to guide your training.
Locations: Inner Brisbane northside, Coolum, Noosa,
* poles can range from $150- $300
After Training Options
Choose your own personal pole walking or join your local pole walking group, heart walks or park run.
I will be at Coolum March- June (CV 19 family duties)
Book in 30 mins and borrow cleaned poles and BYO gloves.
One on one or BYO walking buddy sessions at the local park at Coolum.
DISCOUNTED in March- June 2020
$50 per session (1person) or $60 (2 persons).
3 Sessions (over 1-2 weeks)
$100 (1 person) $150 (2 persons)