Women, and men, need expert care to recover from the physical losses associated with their breast cancer treatments.
Choosing the right breast cancer rehab treatment and using sound before and after testing
is a transformational way to practice.
Seeing how hands-on therapy can immediately transform impairments following surgical and radiotherapy, is now possible.
Hearing the person express hope when change occurs is very exciting for therapists.
These short video courses are packed with "how-to" practices
that I use each day in my breast cancer rehabilitation practice.

Axillary Lymph Node Dissection
The long term side effects associated with ALND surgery are many: pain, arm dysfunction and lymphoedema.
Targeted assessments and interventions can bring immediate change to movement and secondary soft tissue ALND related impairments.
I am making the clinical practices, I use to transform breast cancer survivor's recovery, available to you through a new video series.
Book an appointment
Quick questions and quick replies through email
Great if you are a self- paced learner!

Upper-body impairment assessment
How to use Reach out the Back Test
Many functional and QOL assessments are used in breast cancer survivor research, but they don't identify the underlying impairments- only the dysfunction.
Being able to use safe and quick impairment assessments in the clinic has transformed my practice and work satisfaction. I use this test to evaluate all the new techniques I learn for oncology care.
This video training series takes you through all the "how toos" enabling you to incorporate it immediately into your clinical practice.
"I use the ROTB practice at least twice per session, for every person with breast cancer.
It's a great basic skill for therapists"
Denise Stewart

Book your sessions with Denise
Be guided
The worry about getting the right hands-on skills has been met head-on. Participants will rent a Standard Touch (R) device for the period of the training, allowing plenty of time to practice the gentle pressure necessary for making quick and safe improvements to skin and scar mobility
Be the first health professionals to train with Denise Stewart from your office or home, and you can be anywhere in the world!
The 2-day Face to face workshop s has been replaced by
5/2-hour weekly group sessions.
Be guided through the assessment and treatment skills that'll transform upper body recovery for breast cancer survivors.
Learn how to test, treat and retest in a single session.