Online appointments, also known as telehealth, can be a great way to manage the physical side effects (who are we kidding - and the emotional affects) following breast cancer: receive a comprehensive physical assessment, opinions and training and then start your own healing journey.
Through our online video connection, I will be able to see what is limiting your arm movement or arm strength. Seeing the skin at your upper chest and armpit is important to my assessment, so you will be asked to wear a tank top or bra.
If you feel comfortable with disrobing, then being able to see the entire breast/chest area makes my assessment more thorough. This might mean you think about where you set yourself up for our video appointment.
I will ask you to do a set of arm stretches. This part of the appointment is really important because many of the reasons why arm movement is restricted, lie under the skin and are best seen when the arm is stretched in certain ways.

"Is there a problem with the muscle or the scar tissue?"
These arm tests can be used in your video appointment, to work out what changes have happened since your surgery and radiotherapy.
The first test is Arm to Ear Test: I will view how easy and how far you reach.
The second test is Reach Out The Back which is a bit like the movements you need for swimming backstroke.
Seeing changes at the skin during these tests will help work out the best treatment methods and locations for your rehab program.
To answer the question- muscle or scar tissue? I have always seen surface and deep scar tissue affecting the muscle; So both need to be worked in a rehab program.
" I'm worried about touching my breast/chest and maybe even doing the wrong thing"
Understanding your body is really important, so I will take some time to explain your symptoms or previously unexplained "weird" pain or weakness. It will become clear about how we move forward and knowing where important treatment areas are for you.
After your assessment, we will straight away check-in to see if your body responds to your new healing touch methods. Then, you can choose to find a local skilled therapist or I can offer you more video appointments so you become a confident "self-treater".
Yes, it is very possible that you can learn hands-on techniques. I have chosen and adapted several methods that can safely and easily stretch both surface and deep scars and adhesions as well as soften and mobilize tight muscles of the chest and shoulder.
A reasonable rehab goal is to have more movement at your skin and a much softer breast /chest. You'll learn to use a couple of great low tech test/ retest methods with this in mind: "bounce test" and skin movement measure. This means you will know immediately if your treatment technique is working.
Some followup sessions are really important, as you will know that sensation is not that great after breast surgery, so it is not easy to know where to treat. At our followup video appointments, I will set your next home treatment method and location.
Maybe this sounds complex or hard work, but I find seeing healing is inspiring.
Through video appointments, I can help you to treat your own scars, adhesions and cording with step by step training.
Interested in having a video appointment/ telehealth?
Take these steps:
1. Test to see if you have limitations in your arm movement here
2. Test to see if you have deep adhesions here
3. Check your internet service has > 1mb upload
4. Check your timezone against Brisbane Australia, to work out our best appointment time. I like timebie.
5. Email me to make an appointment
6. Receive a link for our appointment zoom, skype, facetime,
7. Choose the best location for your video appointment- feel safe and comfortable.
8. Your appointment will be 45 mins, 30mins or 20 mins and the fee will be based on my hourly rate.
9. Online payment can be made here. Prices are in Australian dollars, however, PayPal payment can be made in your currency.
What can you learn in your video appointments?
1. Two simple tests to see if the skin and tissues under the skin have softened after your self-treatment.
2. Use Lewit Barrier Release for tightness in skin and deeper breast and chest tissues.
3. How to use adapted cupping and where to purchase a cupping device that is easy to use.
4. Know how to use small sessions of self -treatment during the rehab/ scar remodelling period.
"What will I purchase to start my online personalized learning?"
Start by purchasing an initial consult - this gives us 45 mins to make an introduction, assessment and start your self- treatment learning.
You might like to email me a summary or your cancer treatments and approximate dates.
Your next appointment can be shorter and will focus on checking your progress and adding to your home program repertoire.