Reach out the Back Stretches

is power
are you experiencing:
Rounded shoulder posture
Iron Bra feeling
Shoulder fatigue or pain
pulling at the chest
Then, feeling confident that you are doing the right stretches for your chest after breast cancer surgery and radiotherapy is a great goal for 2020.
Reach out the Back (ROTB) stretches are simple to include in your day and week and will help give you a safe stretch to the skin and muscles of your chest.
It's hard to remember to do exercises, that's why I've developed two new ways to help you engage in the ROTB stretches:
Print your ROTB instructions (PDF)
Listen to ROTB instructions ( MP3)
Decide whether you are best at reading or listening to instructions
Get a free PDF guide or buy the package
Set a place and time for your stretches in your calendar
Have your ROTB resources at the ready, to take you through a maximum of 8 stretches
Use this training method to develop your own ROTB stretch sequence.