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                INFORMATION IS POWER


IF YOU'VE HAD A MASTECTOMY then you will want to know how to get the most during your recovery and maintain your gains over the years. 

Mastectomy surgery has been reported again and again in research as a risk factor to pain, dysfunction and lymphoedema.

Healing impairments associated with mastectomy surgery must be considered, to reduce physical impairments and impact on people's quality of life.

It doesn't matter how long ago your mastectomy surgery was, I believe that healing is a life long self-care task.


- an educational series for people after mastectomy


Take the opportunity, during COVID 19 stay-at-home, to learn more about self-healing options for breast cancer survivors/ thrivers. 



Each session will review:
1. An assessment measure you can use at home: evaluate pain, impact on selected tasks, arm movement, skin, fascia and muscle movement.

2. Review treatment methods that are suited to breast cancer survivors 

3. See how treatment methods can be translated to self-healing

4. Why an oncology trained therapist is essential to support a self-healing program.

Are these sessions enough for me to be able to develop my own self-healing program?


Because sensation is always affected after mastectomy surgery, shoulder/ arm movement assessment is complex, and scar tissue /adhesions vary between people- you need to have an assessment and guidance from a therapist trained in oncology/breast cancer and scar tissue.

Can I book in for online personalized assessment and coaching in self-healing with Denise?

Yes, During CV 19 restrictions. I am only offering online assessments and coaching

Choose a 15 min video discovery session (complimentary) or connect by email to book a video appointment.

Mastectomy Self-Healing Series: Starts here

Fundamentals 1


0- 2.00      Introduction

2.00           Health Warning

2.30           Individual differences

7.00           Definition of self-healing

9.30           More options for healing

11.00         Fundamentals of practices in this series

13.45         History  of arm assessments

15.00        New arm assessment is required

16.55        Anatomical and healing implications

23.00        Demo of Arm to Ear test

25.50        Demo of Reach-Out-The-Back Test (ROTB test)

31.20        Audio guide for both tests 

36.00        Muscle release self-healing  

40.00        Challenge for the week

43.30        Finger practice 


Three self-healing exercises

0- 2.00      Introduction

2.00           Health Warning

2.30           Individual differences

7.00           Definition of self-healing

9.30           More options for healing

11.00         Fundamentals of practices in this series

13.45         History  of arm assessments

15.00        New arm assessment is required

16.55        Anatomical and healing implications

23.00        Demo of Arm to Ear test

25.50        Demo of Reach-Out-The-Back Test (ROTB test)

31.20        Audio guide for both tests 

36.00        Muscle release self-healing  

40.00        Challenge for the week

43.30        Finger practice 


Finessing self-healing from session1&2 

0- 3.00         Introduction

3.00- 7.30    Review finessing Reach-out-the-Back Test

7.30-13.50   Review use of Lewit Barrier Release for tightness                           in diagonal and vertical skin movement

13.50- 16.15 New self-healing for pec minor muscle tightness 

Self-healing side seam area  

0- 2.30         What makes up the side seam zone

2.30- 9.30    Self-healing with trigger point at the

                         side seam muscle

9.30- 15.30  Self-healing tight skin at the side seam area 

15.30- 18.10 What does this look like when a therapist is                                         treating the side seam area


Understanding the "WHY"

Is there a change in shoulder blade position?

     0- 2.30       Introduction

2.30 - 5.00     View what a change in shoulder blade position 

                           looks like

5.00- 6.30      Why the back armpit can look different

6.30- 8.44      How to measure shoulder blade changes

8.44-9.50       Muscle changes at the back 

9.50- 13.00    How the shoulder blade should move

13.00-13.30   The link to pec minor tightness

13.30- 16.00   Self-healing method 1 contract/ relax/ stretch

16.00- 17.20                        method 2  contract/relax/stretch

17.20- 18.20   Skin and scar release, Lewit Barrier Release

18.20 - 19.17   Scapula retraining with arm movement

19.17- 21.00    Measurement challenge


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